Thursday, July 14, 2011

Ginger Jar Lamps - Elegance In modern Color Lamps And original White Table Lamps

Ginger Jar Lamps - Elegance In modern Color Lamps And original White Table Lamps

Regardless of whether you came over ginger jar lamps in one of the books by Dean Koontz, or you have seen them in Chinese movies, or in a museum somewhere, you have fallen in love with Chinese ginger jar table lamps. Now you must have one. Or two. Or more than two. Step back and you see ginger jar lamps turning into an obsession. It is like owning a precious vase except that this lamp can produce light, a lot of light, up to 150 Watts worth of light. That is a lot for a modest table lamp.

But there are so many types of ginger jar lamps to select from. They are of distinct colors, from white table lamps to yellow to ox blood red, to turquoise, distinct inscriptions, from Chinese lettering to images of nature, distinct curvatures and shapes, from highly bent to practically straight, and, most importantly distinct styles. They could be modern or they could be traditional.

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So what kind of a jar to place in what type space?

We'll principally distinguish here between two types of ginger jar table lamps: Modern, and Traditional. It turns out, these categories often coincide with the selection of bold, strong colors, versus the selection of pastel colors, often off-white, with black or blue inscriptions, so hopefully this will give you an idea on how to elect your jar lamp for your room.

Contemporary ginger jar table lamp: color abound

The modern jar decorative lamps can commonly be described as easy in organize yet bold in coloring. They will go with a modern style room decor, such as pastel or enchanting colored walls, and will even complement stainless steel furniture. You will be able to select between off-white color, yellow, orange, or blood red. The inscriptions on modern ginger jar lamps are few and when they are present, they will often be subdued by being printed in a limited off-color from the main color, and will only be clearly seen upon a close inspection.

Modern ginger jar lamps are commonly made of ceramic or denser pottery and are commonly glazed.

The commonly abundant curves of traditional lamps will not be there. They will be substituted with just hints of outward curvatures of the jar and inward curvatures of the shade.

You might decree that because of the simplistic nature of the lamp, it might fit into a busy environment such as a work desk.

Traditional white table lamps

While most traditional ginger jar lamps will be white, this should be understood in a general way. It is not that they are plainly white, but rather they will be in a variety of white to off-white color backgrounds, and the inscriptions or the images painted on them will likely be singular color, commonly blue or black. So the white will plainly dominate, thus the designation.

Apart from the color, the paintings on the jar can be quite busy and complicated, ranging from complicated columns of Chinese script, to some scenery paintings just on a singular side. And they could be alternating on the four sides of the lamp.

Due to its involved appearance, the traditional white ginger jar table lamps are best superior for clean spaces, such as table surface. It would be best to keep the traditional ginger jar lamp apart from other objects, and allow it to shine in its elegant glamor undistracted.

Ginger Jar Lamps - Elegance In modern Color Lamps And original White Table Lamps

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